5 Steps To Choose A Good Lawyer

At some point in your life, you certainly had some legal doubt about a professional or personal situation. It is even possible that you have filed a lawsuit if your rights have been violated. At such times, the question of how to choose a good lawyer can arise.

After all, there is a large supply of professionals from best law firm websites working in the legal field. In any case, consultative action or the filing and monitoring of a lawsuit are tasks that require deep and specific knowledge about the area. Therefore, it is essential to hire the services of a qualified professional.

  1. Check The Qualification

Discover the qualification and previous experience of the lawyer. See the university where the professional completed his degree, the specialization courses he attended, and other events he participated in, such as congresses and seminars. All of this influences the quality of the lawyer.

A good idea is to search the professional’s profile on LinkedIn or specialized search sites. It is usually possible to find the résumés of several professionals on these platforms. If you do not find this information online, you can ask the professional you are interested in directly.

  1. Check The Professional Record

The lawyer can only act if he has the proper professional registration valid in the OAB. Otherwise, you will be exercising your profession irregularly, and you may be penalized for doing so. You can check the regularity of the registration through the National Registry of Lawyers (CNA). The platform is maintained by the Federal Council of OAB, which makes available the registration of all lawyers in Brazil.

  1. Get Referrals From Former Customers

Talking to old clients is a way to find out how a lawyer works and better understand your professional attitude. After all, no one better than the people who have already hired these services to provide truthful and concrete information about the professional’s performance.

Social networks can help in this regard. There are specific groups for this matter where you can gather the necessary information until you feel confident deciding to contact the lawyer.

  1. Research About The Areas Of Expertise

Law is a vast branch. In this sense, professionals must attend specialization courses to deepen knowledge and increase opportunities for career growth.

Therefore, avoid generalist attorneys with only general instruction. The ideal is to have professionals who master a certain area with excellence. In this way, the chances of being successful in demand will be much greater.

  1. Value Good Service

The behavior says a lot about the ability of a professional. A good lawyer must have dynamic and proactive. He must be prepared to answer questions and instruct the client on the best way to solve the problem using conciliation and proposing action. Knowing how to choose a good lawyer is the first care to be successful in any claim in the legal scope or to remain in compliance with the law through consultative law. On the other hand, if you choose a professional without good references, you may suffer several disorders, such as the dismissal of the demand and the condemnation of the payment of succumbing fees.


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